Disorders Hyperactivity, irritability, insomnia, depression, spasmophilia, tremors dizziness, stiffness, tetany, apathy, confusion, memory impairment, tachycardia, heart problems, improve athletic performance
Beneficial Fatigue, anorexia
Magnesium description
Magnesium, an essential element for the proper functioning of the body, but the body does not produce it naturally, therefore it is imperative to have a regular supply of magnesium and to draw it either from the diet or from a dietary supplement. The main sources of magnesium found in food can be of plant and animal origin, and mineral water, wheat germ, tarragon, chocolate, almonds, bean sprouts, peanuts, nuts, oatmeal, hazelnuts and brown rice, pulses and dried fruits (lentils, raisins, etc.), brewer's yeast. The mineral waters are hepar and badoit, contrex and évian, cheeses such as Roquefort and Holland, Gruyère and Cantal as well as Parmesan, but also halibut and prawns, sole and oysters and anchovies.
Magnesium the synergy
Magnesium was isolated by an English chemist between 1808 and 1810, but it was not until 1926 that a French researcher demonstrated the importance of magnesium for the body. Magnesium works in perfect synergy with other essential elements of the body, it works in perfect correlation with phosphorus and calcium for a better intercellular mineral balance, magnesium completes the action of copper, it combines with vitamin B5 and vitamin B6, while promoting the action of vitamin B1, vitamin C and vitamin D.
Magnesium deficiency
It is estimated that more than half of the population in France, suffer from a magnesium deficiency either by too low an intake, or by a loss of magnesium, following an excess of alcohol, coffee or tea, certain diseases such as diabetes, slimming diets, stress, excessive exercise, the contraceptive pill and aging.
This then leads to a state of deficiency, the symptoms of which are anxiety, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, cardiac arrhythmia, but also colitis and constipation, the most visible are muscle cramps, attacks of tetany, migraines, hypertension and many more. But beware too much magnesium intake is also problematic for the body, it results in hypotension, bradycardia, nausea and vomiting, greater muscle fatigue, confusional disorders or even comas or cardiac arrest. The recommended intake of magnesium is between 360 and 420 mg per day, it depends on many factors that associate the age, weight and state of health of the person, and their lifestyle (sedentary or very active ).
Magnesium and its medicinal virtues
Magnesium (Mg), an essential mineral is classified in the trace elements important for the body, it works with nearly 300 factors of the body and acts in perfect association with other essential elements for a better balance. About 50% of organic magnesium is found in bones and teeth, and the other half is in muscles and liver as well as some soft tissues, the excess is eliminated by the kidneys.
Magnesium is useful for the formation of bones and teeth, it helps to bind calcium to the bones, and acts on growth. It participates in the transmission of nerve flow while avoiding memory loss. Magnesium regulates the heart rate and muscle contractions of the heart. It has a relaxing and sedating effect on states of stress, anxiety and hyperactivity.
Magnesium improves immune defense mechanisms against infections. It has an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory function, but also an antiplatelet agent (protective against thrombosis), it is a radio protector and regulator of body temperature. Magnesium allows better prevention of cardiovascular disorders, complications resulting from type 2 diabetes, and asthma attacks.
Magnesium helps reduce symptoms in women during PMS, migraines and osteoporosis prevention, with help with unpleasant sensations in the legs during pregnancy. It reduces the recurrence of kidney stones, and improves athletic performance. Magnesium is also used for constipation and colitis.
Magnesium for other uses
Did you know that magnesium ore is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust, it is white-gray in color. It is found in over 60 kinds of minerals, but only 4 genera of commercial importance, dolomite and magnesite, carnallite brucite and olivine.
Heals magnesium
Fatigue, anorexia, hyperactivity, irritability, insomnia, depression, spasmophilia, tremors, dizziness, stiffness, tetany, apathy, mental confusion, memory problems, but also tachycardia, heart problems, improve sports performance, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, arteriosclerosis, asthma, constipation, colitis, hypotensive and hypertension, menstruation, migraine, headache.