Fennel benefits
Fennel for disorders Aerophagia, bloating, pain and nausea, difficult digestion, upset stomach, spasms, colic and intestinal cramps, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea
Diseases Cough
Beneficial Rise of milk, congested bronchi, water retention (swollen ankle, feet, legs, stomach, eyelids) stimulates appetite, regulates menstrual flow
Fennel description
It is classified among the variety of so-called vegetable plants, with a height of almost two meters, biennial and perennial and whose root is white. The leaves are fairly dark green and cut into small strips. The small flowers of yellow hue are grouped at the top of the stem, they are apparent from July to October. Its yellow-green fruit is oblong in shape. The hallmark of fennel is that it gives off a sweet anise scent when crumpled.
Fennel culture
Fennel is common in the wild in all warm and temperate places, particularly along roadsides in the South of France and the West, and in America. It is cultivated around the Mediterranean basin, on calcareous and dry soils.
Its composition
It contains aromatic essence which consists of methyl chavicol or estragole, anethole and fenchone. This plant contains flavonoids and sterols, furanocoumarin or hydroxycoumarin (imperatorin and bergapten), fatty substances, sugars and calcium oxalate, starch and vitamin A, as well as vitamin C .
Fennel and its medicinal properties
Fennel has anti-flatulence and spasmolytic, expectorant and diuretic properties.
The benefits of fennel stimulate the appetite (it is associated with other plants making up the ancient syrup of the five roots) and by its diuretic action, it significantly reduces water retention, whether on the ankles, and feet, legs, stomach or eyelids.
Fennel is recommended to help young mothers in the breastfeeding phase, it allows better milk production, especially those who do not produce enough. Fennel has been used since the dawn of time by women to regulate menstrual flow, especially in cases of dysmenorrhea (absence of flow or little) or its opposite, too abundant flow (menorrhagia). The expectorant virtue of fennel makes it ideal for congested bronchi, or coughs.
Other uses
You all know fennel in cooking recipes, it goes well with fish, but did you know that it was also used to keep all insects away, especially slugs and snails, very useful for farmers.
Fennel helps to heal
Aerophagia, bloating, pain and nausea, difficult digestion, upset stomach, heaviness after meals, spasms, colic and intestinal cramps, difficult or insufficient milk flow, congested bronchi, cough, water retention (swollen ankle, feet, legs, stomach, eyelids) stimulates appetite, regularization of menstrual flow, cases of menorrhagia or its opposite dysmenorrhea.